Lawyer fees for a shoplifting charge depend heavily on the facts of your case and the court you are in. These are only estimates for the defense of your shoplifting charge and not quotes for your case. To get an actual quote, call us at (585) 485-0025, and schedule an appointment to meet in person. Phone consultations on petit larceny cases are free.
Remember - I have helped hundreds of people charged with petit larceny. I am not here to judge you - I'm here to help.
Payment Options
We accept cash, money orders, and all major credit cards. We do not offer payment plans.
Circumstances of Petit Larceny Charges |
Monroe, Livingston, and Wayne County Flat-Rate Estimate |
Orleans County Flat-Rate Estimate |
Ontario County Flat-Rate Estimates (not including Geneva) |
Allegheny County Flat-Rate Estimates |
$1,500+ | $1,500+ | $2,500+ | $3,000+ |
$2,000+ | $2,000+ | $3,500+ | $3,000+ |
What about my other charges?
If you are charged with Petit Larceny in Ontario County (Victor Town Court / Eastview Mall/Geneva City Court), it is likely that you are also facing other charges. The estimates above include the possibility that you are charged with associated crimes like Criminal Possession of Stolen Goods or Possession of Burglar Tools. If there are other charges involved, please understand that we will have to give you a quote after hearing the specifics of your case.
Please Note: A flat rate means that the rate quoted will not increase if we go to trial, or if there are multiple court appearances. If there are unusual circumstances to your case, you may find that the actual quote I give you when we meet deviates considerably from these estimates.
Updated February 5, 2024.
Passion, Knowledge & Experience
Innocent and Facing Charges That Would Have Ruined My Life
Militello Law Firm
2480 Browncroft Blvd.
Rochester, NY 14625
1 University Drive
Rochester, NY 14454
(585) 485-0025
Fax: (585) 286-3128