Innocent and Facing Charges That Would Have Ruined My Life
"I had just recently graduated from law school and was awaiting my bar exam when I was charged with 3 class D felonies. Adam was incredibly invested and attentive from the beginning of my case. He greatly exceeded my expectations in how often he took the time to come visit me in jail with updates. He calmly talked my wife through the issues and helped her understand what was going on. Adam believed in me and took the case to jury trial in Monroe County Court. His courtroom performance was excellent, combined with a solid grasp of litigation procedures and law. The jury verdict was not guilty on the 3 counts. I WAS DISCHARGED AND ACQUITTED ON ALL COUNTS. Worst-case scenario I was looking at 21 years in prison, and instead today I have my life back."
Frequently Asked Questions
- Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal (ACD)
- Aggravated Unlicensed Operator (AUO) - what is it?
- Aggravated Unlicensed Operator (AUO) charges - experienced attorneys can help.
- Arraignment - what is it?
- Burglary
- Cannabis charges
- Child Pornography charges
- Credit, debit, and benefits cards - fraud and theft
- Criminal investigations - how an attorney can help.
- Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance?
- Disorderly Conduct
- Drivers License loss for Non-Payment of Support
- Driving without a license in New York State
- Endangering the Welfare of a Child (EWOC)
- Expungement in New York State
- Felony expungement
- Grand Theft Auto
- Gun crime detection in Rochester, NY
- Harassment Charges from your ex?
- How can I avoid letting criminal charges pile up?
- Identity Theft
- Innocent Until Proven Guilty?
- Mugshots
- Petit Larceny Lawyers
- Petit Larceny - What to do if you are charged
- Preliminary hearings
- Pre-Trial Diversion Programs for People with Substance Abuse Problems
- Professional licenses and criminal charges
- Prostitution charges in Rochester, NY.
- Right to remain silent
- Rochester, NY Courts
- Sex Offender Risk Levels - Petitioning for a Reduction
- Shoplifting charges - how do I help my kid?
- Shoplifting penalties in Rochester, NY?
- SORA Risk Assessment Instrument (RAI)
- Speedy trial rights - CPL 30.30
- Stop Shoplifting Program
- Traffic tickets in Rochester, NY
- Unlawful Possession of Marijuana (UPM)
Militello Law Firm
2480 Browncroft Blvd.
Rochester, NY 14625
1 University Drive
Geneseo, NY 14454
(585) 485-0025
Fax: (585) 286-3128