Innocent and Facing Charges That Would Have Ruined My Life
We recently won a criminal jury trial in Monroe County Court; our client had been wrongfully accused of Grand Larceny and Identity Theft. Similar cases are coming up more and more frequently. Police are making arrests of people who are allegedly using stolen credit card numbers to create fake ('cloned') credit cards. The creation and use of fake credit cards constitutes both larceny and identity theft. It's not unusual for suspects to be charged with multiple counts of felony-level crimes, and to face years in state prison if they are convicted.
These cases are complicated. There are often multiple defendants, multiple alleged victims, and gaps in allegations presented by prosecutors. The attorneys at our firm are experienced with complex litigation. We have the skills and discipline to take multifaceted cases, break them down, and explain them in a way that allows judges and juries to understand why our clients are not guilty of the crimes charged by police.
If you have been charged with Identity Theft, please call us for a free consultation. We have helped hundreds of clients charged with crimes, and we can help you. Our phone number is (585) 485-0025.